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Everything posted by bertolossi

  1. WindStrike, the map is really old, its like from 2010 or something I GUESS, and we are able to play custom games only now, online, so I don't know if he knew about SC2 version but still a HoN version would be all day playable. Tons of people are playing "really poor" maps. Imagine a element TD IN HON! ahha so nice Thank you Karawasa, if it works it will be really nice for us... and if he wants I can tell the names or where to find ppl who are currently playing it/managing it. Ty for the attention
  2. Hey guys, recently we have been able to play custom maps in Heroes of Newerth ( MOBA game ) and I'd like to know if someone here wants to create a map or at least join the community :> There are videos in this youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/scoutinvis/ showing the work ppl could do. Its really new, so we haven't got complex and big maps. I thought of coming here because I remembered the element TD in warcraft AND there is one version to play in hon which is very good and could be better now, but its not possible to play it online. I would appreciate your work there thank you, excuse me for my bad english, i'm brazillian.
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