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  1. That may be another little fix you can make. You have 60 levels and you get 1 wood each five levels (except for level 60). As a whole at the moment you can have 11 elements. You just need to set the game to give you wood on level 60 (right before ronald). In this way you can have exacly 12 elements
  2. I was just thinking that it's kinda weird that you have to get a level 3 element before being able to summon a pure element essence. You may actually not want to build pure towers (your strategy may be based on building The Periodic Tower of Elements). Also I think it would be good if you were able to upgrade the Periodic tower of elements to lvl 2 (the upgrade will require lvl 2 of all of the elements). These two changes combined will allow you to build powerful towers without having a 3rd element which would create space for new different srategies!
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