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Everything posted by maasa97

  1. maasa97

    need replay

    need help any replay on 4.2b vh
  2. thanx for the reply...but when i play mutliplaye that scheme so hart to complete..coz other people kill at center but i use 2 ways..can it be the same if i try playing at mid?i dont think so..can u send me replays that kill mass ronald at center?
  3. sorry..the 1st replay messed up..it gone now..i try to play agian but cant get the same result..this is the new one..got less money..cant get the same tower..comment on this pls..need ur advise.. (4.0-VHAPSG) ronald killed-838 thanx maasa97.w3g
  4. 4.0 vh sg ap:: 28 lives by lvl 61::ronald kill 2012 also who can give replay how to make 1000 by 16 on vh mode.. im so noob..the most i get about 850...need ur help thanx
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