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Tower wars

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The following will be a page i update as i learn and play wars vs people.


-Send cost effective creeps all the time to get more income.

-Don't send to one person over and over it feeds them and they could overpower you if you do this.

-Don't forget to build your defense if you are being ignored.

-If you see someone starting to get overpowered, send strong creeps too to kill them.

-Remember you have to kill elementals while defending so hold on to them till you can kill them.

-AOE tends to be stronger in wars.

-Slows are a god send in wars.

-Long pass spots are your friend, while the Zerg they send will mess-up your double pass.

Defensive style:

-I go Light + earth and build earth towers on my area and send light creeps at them.

-I wont die but the pressure they get will be good for me as i make money and safely build my maze for Tier two.

-I tend to focus on building rather then sending.

-Undead creeps are great cover for other creeps.

-Fast creeps are great if your enemy has a very small group of towers at one spot only.

-Mech is good vs a small group of aoe hard hitting towers.

-Image is good vs single target stacking enemies.

Offensive style:

-I look at their elements and send what they are weak to.

-I push the envelop and try to send as many super strong creeps at them as i can.

-I build only the very least to stop what i send and maybe some of what they send.

-Undead Good at getting income to send more creeps and the backbone of your army.

-Fast send in large groups to bypass their defenses while others draw fire.

-mech Worth mixing in to pull towers away from my zerg when they get past.

-image not worth it unless they stack a lot of single target.

How to beat each group:

-vs defensive:

--This person is going to just build and send, so you need to ignore them till you have a tier advantage and send a very large group at them.

--The way you send is also going to change depending on their defense:

==If you see a lot of single target send all the creeps in a massive bunch.

==If you see aoe send in staggered groups of very strong single target.

-vs offensive:

--This person is going to be flying by the sit barely holding:

==Send as many creeps as you can at this person

==mech and fast are your best choices seeing as these can mess up the choke hold aoe can gain.

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How to use super weapons:

Defensive super weapons are best used this order in mid/late game:

1-Reduce damage reduction

2-increase your tower damage or increase your towers attack speed

3-reduce the creeps in your area's movement are all good.

Offensive super weapons can be used like:

-heal best used if they are not killing your creeps fast and are very spread out, the heal is brutal then.

-reduce their damage and reduce their attack speed are good when they just simply have a "iron wall" that u cant seem to break.

-increase their areas movement to help push a mid-game attack past their lines

-increase their creeps damage reduction Early game punish a struggling person.

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Might have been discussed at one point, but what about making them Energy based from the Builder? You can adjust energy pool based on the player's level and set the spells/abilities to consume such instead of minerals.

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