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Guest Coldclaw

Tips for VH Random

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Guest Coldclaw


Sorry if this has been asked a million times before, i didnt see any topics on that particular subject.

So, i consider myself a rather mediocre player; playing VH and im familiar with selling to achieve more interest etc (although im not that good at it, but that is another matter)

I can complete AP VH with around 500 ronalds starting from lvl 31 (then my comp starts to lag to much for me to control anything :P) and around 1000 from lvl 1.

But i cant seem to complete VH AR, not from lvl 1, not from lvl 31. I know it depends a lot of the elements you get, but i seem to have problems with Speed waves from lvl 40 and forth, no matter what - it gets rather frustrating :)

Does anyone have some tips i could try out? It might be worth mentioning that im not ultraswift in buying/selling towers, so while you might be able to put up 10 new towers i get only 6 or smth:)

And by the way, nice forum - I play on northrend from time to time if your up. Acc: I-PK.TeH-CoLd, although my buddy uses it 90% of the time for some dota so dont be confused ;)

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Know your towers well.. tower query would help but it's always better to know what elements go into what tower.

you may have to build the base towers in advance, losing some interest.

another way is to keep the core support and damage towers in play and change say 4-6 towers based on element. it's a loss of interest but it is easier to manage.

also, prepare in advance. do not wait until you are sure you would leak before moving to build the towers. prepare the base towers once there is a chance you would leak. long-range towers would be of help here, to keep light/dark/impulse/gunpowder towers in play..

in random, all towers are temporary. you can use 'weaker' towers if they have elemental advantage or towers that are less used in pick, towers like drowning, oblivion..

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Oblivion can't interest farm at all, and is bad at switching. but it has one good thing. if an incoming wave is very hard, you can have oblivions that are charged up (have 3 dragons already) and when the super hard wave comes, you sell the oblivions, and upgrade something different, but still have the 3 dragons from each oblivion to fight the new wave. else it's true that oblivion is a bad idea in random.

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